September 1st, 2021
Dear Avenue Road families,
Whether you are new to the neighbourhood or have been with us for some time, welcome to the 2021-22 school year! If you have had a chance to walk by the school, you will notice that much work is being completed to upgrade our school. We are grateful for the many trades, custodial team and other staff who are preparing our site to welcome your child(ren) on Tuesday, September 7th.
Beginning on Saturday, September 4th, you will be able to log onto School Day to find out which class your child is going into. On Tuesday morning at 8:45 AM, our staff will be outside to gather up this year’s cohort and get them situated for the day and year ahead. The school day begins at 9:00 and ends at 3:20.
We wish to welcome several new staff members to the team and hope that you will have an opportunity to acquaint yourselves with them:
- Mr. A. Schmitt -Vice Principal
- Ms. A. Martinescu-Moon -Kindergarten teacher
- Ms. J. La Vigna -Gr. 1/2 teacher
- Ms. N. Censner -Grade 7 teacher
- Ms. A. Passalidis -Grade 7 teacher
- Ms. K. McBride -Grade 8 and Special Education teacher
- Mr. B. Mason -Grade 8 teacher
Please take a few minutes to look over the following important items in order to ensure that proper health & safety protocols are followed and you are adequately informed.
- All updates can be found on our school website. In order to subscribe to new posts, simply scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit “subscribe” once you have entered your email address. You can also expect a personal contact by your child’s teacher next week, at which point you may ask any specific questions about this year’s start-up
- Prior to coming to school, we ask all parents to perform a daily student screening for COVID-19. More information can be found on the board’s Health and Safety guide
- Access to school will be restricted to visitors (including parents/guardians) except in the case of emergencies. As such, typical lunch drop-offs will not be possible. In the case where a child requires food, we have a regular supply of snacks thanks to Nutrition for Learning
- We will be following the principles of a Boomerang Lunch where all uneaten food, wrappers and receptacles will be returned home for disposal
- Students will be entering and exiting the school from various doors in order to assist with physical distancing. These procedures will be explained by their teacher in detail. On the first day, all students will be met by their teachers outside the south entrance (closest to Avenue Road), unless told otherwise through in-person communication. We appreciate your patience as we work through a staggered entry, which will begin at 9:00; we will aspire to have the staggered exit completed by 3:20
- We ask that you make every effort to avoid late arrivals so as to minimize the congestion in the main office area
- We are asking that students arrive with a very minimal amount of items, as these will be kept with them at all times while in class. One backpack with a lunch and snacks, a pre-filled refillable water bottle and a face mask. If possible, we encourage students to bring an additional mask should the first one become unusable. Gym clothes will not be required at this time
- Masks must be worn at all times indoors, except when eating. While students are outdoors playing, masks may be removed as long as they are with their cohort. Masks need to be kept on each person (in pocket or slipped onto arms) at all times
- Regular handwashing and/or sanitizing will be promoted by our staff
Thank you for your assistance and understanding. With everyone’s collective support, we will be able to maintain a safe and positive learning environment for all.
Your partners in education,
Mr. M. Lehmann, Mr. A. Schmitt and the Avenue Road team