September 17th, 2021
In order to improve student safety at Avenue Road and St. Peter Catholic School, the City of Cambridge and Student Transportation Services of Waterloo Region have joined forces in an initiative called Looking Our For Each Other.
This afternoon, we are having a kick-off event with some local dignitaries to showcase the work that has taken place so far, including the installation of bollards on Gail St., “no stop” signage, speed limit signs and “bus loading zone” signage.
We continue to ask for your collaboration in making your child’s travel to school and home safer and want to remind you to respect the signs and refrain from using the staff parking area for student pick-up and drop-off. Additionally, whenever possible, we encourage you to avoid vehicle traffic around the school and opt for walking instead.
Thanking you in advance for your assistance,
Mr. M. Lehmann, Interim Principal